Category: Server Cabinet

Why Hire A Professional for Server Cabinet Design & Assembly?

Server Cabinet

When it comes to keeping your server protected and running at peak efficiency, it is essential to have it properly organized and stored. One of the best ways to achieve this is with a server cabinet. A server cabinet, or server rack cabinet, will help ensure your server is running at peak efficiency for your… Read more »

Why Are Server Closets Needed?

Man observing the tech in a server closet

Technology is a vital part of our daily life. Not only do most (if not most) of us use it in our personal time, but it also is integral to business. At ProLink, we believe every business should have access to every amenity to ensure everything runs smoothly and safely. With that comes the matter… Read more »

How to Keep Your Network Cables Organized

A large server cabinet with organized cables

Having an organized system for your cables is not only incredibly helpful, but it is paramount for maintaining a chaos-free environment. There are a few different ways to keep cables organized, but below are the top three ways to ensure that your network cables stay organized! Label Everything It’s important to label each cable on… Read more »